
Richmond upon Thames

Click on photos to enlarge.
Notes in italics from London 2: South by Bridget Cherry and Nikolaus Pevsner (1983)
Yale University Press, New Haven and London.

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Little now remains to recall Henry VII's splendid building. Facing the green (i.e. Richmond Green) is a simple gateway of Henry VII's time with a large and a small stone arch, with his arms (recently renewed) over the larger archway. The gateway led into the outer courtyard of the palace, now Old Palace Yard. ... The building has been many times repaired and altered during its life as a private dwelling ... Within the secluded square of Old Palace Yard two further buildings incorporating remains of the palace. On the l. the Wardrobe, with much of the Tudor brickwork (with blue diapering) ... At ground level Tudor arches of an arcade probably bricked up at the same time that a linking block was built to join the Wardrobe to the gatehouse (late C17) (the arches can be glimpsed on the left in last picture). ... 

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Facing the Thames, ASGILL HOUSE, a Palladian villa of great charm, the most perfect of Sir Robert Taylor's surviving houses in the London area since its restoration in 1969-70. Built in 1757-8 as a summer residence ... The river front is of three wide bays, the centre with a broad canted bay-window of full height, a typical Taylor feature, ending in a hipped roof. The wings are lower, with Palladian half-pediments, happily restored to their original form in 1969-70 ... One-storey canted bays to the side elevations, a slightly projecting flat centre to the entrance side away from the river ... The exterior is of golden stone ... Rusticated ground floor, each stone delicately fluted; vermiculation around the central arched doorways at back and front. The exterior ornament is otherwise very restrained: blind balustrades below the first-floor windows, a continuous string course at their sill level just to hint at the classical proportions of the whole, pediments over the central windows, exceptionally deep boldly modelled eaves supported on brackets. ... 

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TRUMPETER'S HOUSE ... c. 1703-4 ... The main front, of eleven bays, faces the river across a lawn ... This front is of outstanding quality, although not all of the same date. In the centre a giant portico of two pairs of Tuscan columns with pediment, described as a recent addition in 1722. The separately roofed pavilions at the ends, with pediments above Venetian windows and tripartite lunettes, are later additions, as they do not appear on a plan of 1736 but are shown on one of 1756. 

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RICHMOND BRIDGE. 1774-7 by Kenton Couse and James Paine.
Widened in 1937. Beautiful design of five arches, in Portland stone.

Richmond Riverside by Quinlan Terry

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