
Woolstone,  Oxfordshire -  All Saints Church

Click on photos to enlarge.
Notes in italics from Berkshire by Nikolaus Pevsner (1966) Yale University Press, New Haven and London.

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Nave, chancel, S transept, bellcote. 

Late Norman N doorway, waterleaf capitals, hood-mould on beasts' heads. Small lancets north and south. (Late C12-early C13).

The S transept S window is late C13, of two lights with pointed-trefoiled heads and a trefoiled circle.
In the chancel N wall two Dec windows  (early C14, one visible here).

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The chancel arch (two slight chamfers) looks early C13, the S transept arch goes with the S window (late C13). 

Interior of nave north wall with splayed Norman doorway and lancet. Chancel north and east wall.



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