

Walcot,  Lincolnshire  -  St Nicholas Church
12th-14th centuries

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Notes in italics from Lincolnshire by Nikolaus Pevsner, John Harris, Nicholas Antram (2002)
Yale University Press, New Haven and London

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Ashlar-faced. Externally all Dec (Decorated, i.e. early C14), but internally earlier. ... Dec W tower with an unusual spire. Tall broaches; crockets up the edge of the spire start just above the base of the lowest lucarne. The profile of the spire shows a slight entasis. Three tiers of lucarnes in alternating positions, all with crocketed gables. ... Dec S aisle ... The small doorway ..was originally, it seems, a window. But why then would it be so ornate? Fleurons up the jambs ... Dec windows with ogee lights, straight-headed in the S aisle, under a low-pitched head in the N aisle. Perp clerestory.

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Dec chancel, with a good five-light E window with flowing tracery. 

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Late Norman chancel arch with one leaf capital. Late Norman multi-scallop and leaf capitals re-used as bases in the N arcade. The N arcade otherwise E.E. (Early English, i.e. C13). Three bays, one pier round, one octofoil. Curious over-large capitals with corbelling-back above. Can they be medieval? 

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In the Decorated S aisle a piscina with crocketed gable.


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