
Uffington - Whitehorse Hill,  Oxfordshire

uffington-diagram.JPG (9193 bytes)
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Notes in italics from Berkshire by Nikolaus Pevsner (1966) Yale University Press,
New Haven and London
  Whitehorse Hill above Uffington.
In second picture, closer view of the ancient white horse
(really needs to be seen from the air - could the ancients fly?)

It is the only undoubted prehistoric hill figure in England. ...
Probably cut in C1 and may have served as a tribal emblem.
  First picture:
View to the west from just below the white horse.
The hollow below is known as The Manger.

Second picture:
View to the north from just below the white horse - showing mound:
This very large circular mound is probably the motte of
a motte and bailey castle.
  Finally on top
(several years later!)


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