

Ewelme, Oxfordshire

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Notes in italics from Oxfordshire by Jennifer Sherwood and Nikolaus Pevsner (1974)
Yale University Press, New Haven and London.

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Almshouses, W of the church. Founded in 1437 by the Earl and Countess of Suffolk to house thirteen poor men under the care of two chaplains. One of the earliest examples of almshouses to be built on a collegiate plan around a quad, and also a good example of C15 unit construction, all the parts being based on a 3 ft module, defined by the space between the timber studs. The roof, originally thatched and now tiled, is carried on timber posts round the courtyard, forming a cloister. In the centre of each side is an arched opening under a gable with carved bargeboards and three wooden traceried lights. On the E side are steps leading to a covered passage into the church. ... The structure is of half-timber and brick on the courtyard side and brick and stone externally. At this date brick was common in East Anglia, but this is one of the earliest examples of its use in Oxfordshire. ...

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School. Founded in 1437. A sturdy rectangular brick block of two storeys with diagonal buttresses and two massive chimney-breasts serving as buttresses on the side facing the road. ... On the S a gabled porch of two storeys with the original C15 W door of the church. ...

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By all appearances, late 17th or early 18th century houses. Many of the houses in the village are characteristically a mixture of red brick and another material, e.g. above, yellow brick, blue brick and flint. The red brick is used in surrounds to windows, doors and a horizontal projection between the two storeys.

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Victorian or Edwardian houses of the same model in a Gothic style on opposite sides of the village street.

Ewelme Church


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