

Barrington,  Somerset  -  Barrington Court
16th century

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Notes in italics from South and West Somerset by Nikolaus Pevsner (1958)
Yale University Press, New Haven and London

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Barrington Court was built by Lord Daubeny shortly after he had got married in 1514. The house is, considering its date, of exceptional historical interest, and it is in addition, with its warm Ham Hill stone walls covered with lichen and its triangular gables and twisted finials, extremely attractive. The most remarkable thing about Barrington is the almost complete symmetry of its S front, which is designed on the E-scheme, a scheme usually considered by laymen a creation of the Elizabethan age. ... (The symmetry is) a feature which heralds the Renaissance even where, as at Barrington, it appears without any Italian motifs. There are only slight deviations from symmetry ... All the original windows at Barrington are mullioned and hood-moulded and have four-centred heads to the individual lights. All the principal windows in addition have transoms and four-centred heads below the transom as well. The porch and the fronts of the wings are strengthened by thin diagonal buttresses. 

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The N front is now the entrance side ... This side is only fragmentarily symmetrical. The ends have cross-gables of identical sizes, and above the centre and the doorway is a smaller dormer. But there are two projecting chimney-breasts l. and r. of the doorway, and these differ considerably in thickness. Second picture is the east side.

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The interior is also of interest, but thanks to bought in rather than original furnishings and fittings. The Hall has linen-fold panelling, genuine but not belonging to the house ... (first two pictures). The third picture shows the fireplace which backs onto a mock window in the ground floor of the left wing in the top pictures. Last picture is the top floor long gallery.

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South North North-West West

W of Barrington Court about 1670 a square block was added independent of the old building. It contained stables and offices and was originally open to the N. It is two-storeyed, of brick, with quoins and hipped roof. It was altered about 1760 and again about 1920-5, when the block became part of the living quarters of the house. The W front was then given its arched French windows and terrace. The architects were Forbes and Tate.


History of the house at TourUK


Barrington Church

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